Products that combine Technology and style

It is so hard to keep up with all of the advances around us. I am always trying to stay on top of the latest styles and trends, but no matter what I do, I feel like I’m always still in the dark. I think that I have a decent handle on what is going on in the music industry, and I read my “Bon Appetite” every month to learn new recipes, but neither of those really prepare me for those cutting edge products that seem to flood the market from time to time. Here are some great cutting edge products that test the boundaries of style and technology at the same time.

The hybrid Pathfinder

The new Nissan Pathfinder comes as a hybrid. Think on that for a second. This is a sports utility vehicle that can travel off road, and conquer national parks and still give you excellent gas mileage. A few years ago, the thought of something like this would have been laughable, but now, this and products like this, are infiltrating our driveways and parking spaces and inspiring us. They let us know that we can be the kind of rugged person that we want to be and still carry with us the values that make us proud and individual. I love off-roading, but I also love the idea of having my actions count. It’s important to me to have a smaller carbon footprint than other people, and I hope that my actions and choices can inspire others to be more environmentally conscious. There are a lot of hybrid cars and trucks out there now, but there are very few that rival the Pathfinder in safety and look. If you are the kind of person who wants to balance a rugged and action packed life with an environmentally conscious lifestyle, the Nissan Pathfinder is the perfect vehicle for you. If you’re interested in getting one, go to or and get ready to take the plunge!


An iPad

Stop laughing, and just look at one. An iPad is the quintessence of style and technology. Apple has the market cornered when it comes to sleek designs, and you can tell an Apple product anywhere because even without any buttons, it looks like it could accomplish anything you can imagine. I think this trend of technology and style began about a decade ago with the first generation of the iPod. Growing up, bigger meant better. But now, as style and technology are merging, just the opposite is true. It seems to me that if technology and style keep evolving on their current paths, we’ll soon be carrying computers that can fit in our wallets. Oh wait, we already are, our phones.


It’s exciting to see the new gadgets that come out every year. Now cars need to be compatible with certain operating systems. It will be exciting to think of what will be commonplace in just a few years!


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